What is he? (Episode 1)
I just got off of my night duty in which I have to work overtime today. It never came across to me that it could be this tired since I never worked overtime. Yeah I am your lazy lady. My supervisor needed to leave early today as his mother was coming to the town. It was unexpected that his mother would come to visit his pregnant wife, he told me. Even though during the time they were talking through the phone, his mother's voice was sounded cold, the fact that his mother came to the town has alone proved that she did care about them, he said. His mother was not approved of their marriage as she held a grudge against the woman's mother. So, she never visited them the moment they have had their marriage. And right now I was taking over my supervisor's typical tasks, the reason to me work overtime.
Hi, my name is Chashey Williams. I'm a 24 years old fresh graduate girl who's still waiting for a call for an interview. Basically, I'm working in a retail shop in the moment as I waited for an interview. I have applied for an interior designer. It has been six months since I was graduated and I've filled in thousands of form but to no avail, none of the company called me even until now.
It's quite challenging, I know that. That was why I never wanted to give up. My luck might be one step away. We never know, right.
I locked my front door as soon as my feet met the inside of the house. I sighed owing to my lack of energy right now. Ambled towards my kitchen, I turned the lights on. I want to ask you all, what always happen to a girl that is about to have her menstruation?
It's horny for me. Yes. I'm tired and horny. Tired of being horny or hornily tired. Is that word even exist? Oh my fucking God! What happened to my brain?!
And tonight, I supposed my tiredness has brought confusion to my rather rational and logical brain that though I felt losing my appetite to eat instead at the same time I was feeling so freaking hungry. Like, can't you decide which one?
So, I ended up making sandwiches. At least I won't die famished tonight. I mean, I never planned to die early since I wanted to have kids on my own but I'm okay with no husband. There's some medical stuff they called in vitro fertilization to make babies.
My eggs being lovey dovey with unknown guys' sperm, importantly A's gred, and once the fertilization succeeded, the fertilized egg will be put inside my womb. And after nine months, boomb I have a baby. Awww..
Sometimes, I really wanted to thank the genius behind these advanced technologies and ideas for they have made life a lot more easier even though not fully.
Okay, stop with these nonsense, She.
I walked towards the sink and washed everything before I went to my bedroom to take a shower.
Ten minutes has passed since I laid myself on the bed with the mental note that I have not taken a shower just yet. I was planning to masturbate but my body was so tired that I just could stare at the ceiling while doing absolutely nothing to please the inner me. I was sexually deprived. I knew that because I hated every single things right now like everything around me is just simply annoying.
Girl, you are so dirty right now. You have to go, take the bath because you have been with the rest of the population on this planet except your very own house. Like, you really need to bath. Now! Fuck masturbation!
I mentally scolded myself. It would have been a lot more better to mentally scold myself because I am one lazy girl that needed the scold to walk the work.
With lazy steps, I moved towards the bathroom with a towel on my shoulder. My eyes already felt heavy which clearly screamed sleepy. And so i have to bath as fast as I could.
As the mirror in my bathroom was placed exactly opposite of the door, my eyes made contact to a poor reflection of me on the mirror. The customers should have ran away upon seeing me because I was no better than a walking dead zombie.
The shower stall was on my right and about six feets away from the shower stall was a cupboard to put all the mops, detergent and those stuff.
I went towards the shower stall and quickly turned the pipe around after I have adjusted the water temperature.
The water always felt nicer when you are tired.
I was still wetting my hair when I saw a kind of hand was holding the cupboard's door. The hand was in stripes of orange and black. It did freak me out but my tiredness has made that feelings washed away sooner than it should have been expected.
So, I looked at that hand cold-heartedly while still putting the soap on my body. Abruptly, as if noticing their hand was placed at sight, that someone pulled it back to the inside of the cupboard.
It would be a lie if I say I did not surprise. Even just a little.
Still we both were pretending. I did not know about that someone but I really did pretend as if I did not see that hand just now. And still putting the soap on my body. Exfoliating my body.
Not until one point I felt uneasy because the thought knocked me that someone even though having fancy stripes on their skin the fact that they hid in my bathroom just showed that they acted like a pervert, didn't they? It has been since the moment I discarded my clothes up till now, they probably have watched me since the beginning.
What if, what if they masturbated while watching me bathing right now? And what if, what if they want to kill me? I imagined myself in a pool of blood in this bathroom. No! I did not want to die that way. I mean, at least let me put on some makeup. I needed to die either beautifully or with the most scary face people ever seen in the history. Like, please give me time to put either my king's dinner makeup or my glamorous makeup or Halloween makeup.
Well, it's just a what ifs' but it did somewhat make sense, right?
I was shampooing my hair when I spoke out, "I know you are in the cupboard. Just show yourself and tell me what you want. Don't act like a pervert. Or attempting to make some dramatic series killing. Come out."
And then I continued washing my hair as if I did not just speak those words. I heard no response. Okay, if that what you want then. I rolled my eyes.
In the end, I chose to ignore whoever that was. I ignored what I chose to ignore. That's how it has always been and so I ignored this one too.
Let's just forget the fact that I could die, or be kidnapped, or be raped at any moment from now.
When I was done brushing my teeth, I heard the door of the cupboard creaked open a little. But, I did not turn around. I said it just now, I would ignore it until I no longer chose to ignore it. Frankly speaking, I was pretty annoyed how they acted all creepy there. Let alone speaking of my sensitive state right now.
It was not that long when they chose to speak up too where 'they' or 'that someone' that I have been referred to just now was actually a he.
"Ehem. Hi." I slowed down the water pressure as I heard his voice. "Er.. I'm afraid I will freak you out if you see me. I.. uhm.. I'm different. I'm sorry."
I bit my lips while looking at the walls in front of me emotionless. I just chose to silent down.
"I'll come out." still no response from me.
I chose to keep quiet because I was a bit mad and annoyed with the fact that he was hiding in my cupboard while might be watching me taking my bath. I mean, the probability he watched me showering my naked self was, right there. Even the slightest bit.
If it was not for me that spoke out first, who knows how long he would silently watch me taking my shower in that freaking cupboard. Plus, that hand belongs to a HE! FREAKING HE. That made me mad. He chose to silently stay there due to his differences was such a turn-off.
"Please. Say something. Anything." again no response from me. I was hella mad right now. For some people, it might be not a big deal but that was not in my case obviously.
For some unknown someone that watched me bathing in my naked self without my consent in which I could conclude as a pervert was quite rude to begin with. I don't give two fucks about any bullshit excuses! Let alone your explanation.
"You, right there. I am mad right now. Hella mad. Give me sometimes to myself first. I need to meditate for a while. Just stay right where you are." I said with the calmest tone that I have able to collect from little piece in me. Surprisingly enough, I still have some of those calms while in the actual fact I was about to explode.
If this was a competition, I could win a medal right now.
We both did not speak. The only sound that was made was from the falling water from the shower stall.
Me still trying to find at least a bit rational and logical reasons as to why he was hiding there and how he could enter this house. Crap! How can he enter my house?!
And he on the other hand, was still hiding behind the cupboard. Okay, not until I heard the door finally creaked open longer which means the door was being opened wider than just now.
I felt my own heart beat faster than before in my mad state. I gulped down a little.
Putting one of my hands on the elbow's of the other one that I have put down as if half-folded my arms, slowly I opened my eyes looking at the white walls as I was finally able to catch his reflection through the walls in which upon the lights above him has made it quite easy for me to get a better looks of him.
He was fully covered in those orange and black stripes. And he is quite tall. No. He is so tall. How could he hide inside my cupboard? Is that why he was not able to put his hand in the cupboard?
"Please turn around and tell me something. I'll get you your towel." when he was about to walk I quickly stopped him.
"Stop! Don't move. You have seen me since just now right like I'm not even sure for how long you have seen me naked. Let's just keep it that way then."
"Are you mad?"
Seriously? For real? Who wouldn't? I turned around and about to burst while replied, "Oh no darling, I'm not mad I'm just..." my eyes traveled down in instant as to the obvious massive buddy hanging down there, "— that's so big." I still stared at little him with jaw down when he cleared his throat.
"Okay. Now I think you are the one that need towel. Why are naked anyways? Can you explain that? Or you rather I make my own conclusion?" I said instead.
I reached out to take one of the towels and handed out to him while I wrapped one around my upper body too as I walked out of the bathroom.
Wait. Where the hell am I right now? Am I dreaming or something? Am I tripping? What? Am I in some kind of movies like maybe hellboy or fantastic four? Am I —
"Where do you want me to start?" his voice startled me from behind. What am I smoking? Did someone drug me in my working place?
"Tell me, am I dreaming or you simply exist while me being ignorant doesn't know no man like you on this planet. As far as I have lived, like for real, no man ever have skin like yours. And grow them big like yours too. If you know, you know."
"What?" he smiled.
"I'm talking about your buddy. It is so big what. Okay never mind. I have embarrassed myself enough here." I looked away and started to walk towards my wardrobe. I practically could sense that he was smiling behind me while still standing at the door frame.
But then again, why his skin is so attractive like I wanted to put myself in his arms sleeping in that majestic colours claiming him as mine. Oh man cut the crap She! Jesus! Why am I bringing myself to this far of these imaginations? Okay again!
"To answer your question, yes, I exist. I'm living in hiding. And on behalf of my buddy, pardon him for being that big. By the way, he is healthy and one strong big guy." he said with a light tone.
I gulped down nervousness while cursing myself under my breath and choosing my night dresses. I did not throw any response to him. The quietness of the night taking it's turn to fill in the air around us but it's not a comfortable one as it should have been but rather a tense one.
As time passed by, I still haven't chose my night dresses, and he finally spoke up first.
"Are you scared of me?"
I tilted my head around quickly. "No. I'm not scared of you." Why would I be scared of him, right but actually yes, I was scared a bit by him just now. I was intimidated by the stripes of his skin and his expressive brownish golden eyes. Somehow, under certain circumstances, I was wind up a little now. "Wait.. How did you get in here?"
"I saw your balcony was open just now. I entered from there."
"But why? Why did you go trespassing my house and hiding in that bathroom? Are you in the run? The cops? Parents? Anyone after you?" I asked out of curiosity. Well, I have rights to be curious when he hid in my bathroom.
"I was running from my friends. I supposed they were...friends. They drugged me yesterday. I don't know what they want but one of them has warned me before to not befriend them but you see, I don't listen to him. And now I faced the consequences." he stood at the doorframe folding his arms to himself.
As I looked at him, I took my time, I noticed, he looked so lonely. His light brown eyes almost golden, felt so heavy with loneliness, and sadness.
He must have hard times in his life for having born different than the other.
"Aren't one of your parents if not both have the same body as yours?" I asked.
He looked at me but rather with a painful looks.
"No. I wasn't born here."
That's it. That's the hint that I am dreaming. I was probably passed out when I thought I was not masturbated but actually I might be did just now that right at this moment I was dreaming of something impossibly exist in real nature.
"Are you kidding me? I am dreaming, right?" I laughed sarcastically.
He moved forwards or more likely towards me.
"No. You are not. I said it just now. I did exist but I am not from here. I don't know. Am I even from here. My mum told me that I was left in a basket in their cornfields. My parents heard a soft cries the next morning, after the loudest thunderstorm the night before that ever happened in the town." his words trailed weakly at the end.
"Where's your parents? Aren't they worried about you? You didn't come home."
He looked at me softly while standing just one step closer to me.
"They died few years ago. I am alone. I befriend wrong people. And I ended up might be almost losing my own life last night."
I stared into those beautiful eyes that were glowing in the dim of the night. They radiated in the most gorgeous light brown with a few lining of the golden ones.
I was so lost in them that I did not notice I bravely took a step forward closing the distance between us until I felt the warmth and my tiny self was being hovered by his gigantic body.
We both stared into each other eyes while each has our own meaning. And it was crystal clear that I have a complete different meaning than his. I could assume that his were rather in confusion, maybe puzzled, amused maybe and the obvious one, surprise.
While mine on the other hand was more to losing in his beautiful eyes and not going to deny the fact that I was quite horny myself right now.
My eyes traveled down to his lips. They were plumpy, in a dark red almost purplish. I gulped down that was either due to nervousness or the anticipation of my desire that I have been imagining of.
In a perfect slow pace, he brought his hand to my cheek, in instant I looked at him.
Is it just me or his eyes turn darker now?
His eyes changed a slightest bit of their colour to a little darker brown and thick darker golden as well. And the retina became bigger somehow. Dilated?
I felt myself wet at his touch. My breath became shorter than usual.
He close the distance between our face and stopped when he was few inches away from my face. I could literally feel the warmth of his breath.
He looked at me as if asking for approval. And so I brought my hands to the back of his neck. The obvious answer he could get.
He smirked.
The moment our lips touched, I was melting in his arms. I kissed him like I wanted more from him. I needed more of this. I pulled him closer to me. I was hyperventilating, my breath became shorter that I hated the fact that I needed to breathe, to get the air in order to stay alive.
I bit softly his bottom lips and I heard he groaned lowly. I smiled.
While one of his hands on my cheek, another one snaking around my body until it stopped exactly where I wanted it to. On my hip.
He pulled me towards him as I felt the bulge on my stomach. His groans made my head spinning around that I wanted him to take me right away, right there. God, I sound so impatient.
And then he ended the kiss with a peck.
"Jump on me." I heard his undeniable command.
Without questioning, I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked us towards my bed before gently putting me down on the duvet while he hovered me with his hands on either side of my face to stable his body.
"Do you want this, angel?" It was clear that he wanted this but he held himself back and asking me first instead. Tell me, am I judging him too fast just now? Pretty much almost calling him serial killer, kidnapper and even rapist.
I barely nodded but he caught it easily. He smiled and slowly stood up after giving me a quick kiss.
"Bare yourself. I want to feast on your body." he said while folding his hands.
I loosened the towel from my upper body and lifted up my back a bit to push the towel aside.
When I was completely naked without any single thread on my body, I looked at him feeling a bit ashamed as I saw he raked over my body intensely.
"Do you know how much I want you right now?"
My body flushed against his unyielding stares. I shook my head.
"Do you know what has made I crave for you for more?"
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